Wednesday, November 19, 2008

my boys

i'm thankful for my boys. aren't they handsome?

here is max's kindergarten picture. for some reason i think he looks so old. max is a lot like me. stubborn. i think he's brilliant. and funny. and payback for all i did to my mom. not that that is all bad. i love him and can see the amazing potential this kid has.

and luke had something going on with his tongue this day. here he is on his 2nd birthday...what a kid. like i've said before, luke is random. always something new. strange most of the time. most recently he is insistent on which legos he is carrying around, and heaven forbid a piece comes off and i try and put it back on in the wrong place. oh my. his world is turned upside down. luke is so gentle. and forgiving...even so young. he often stops whatever he is doing to come give me a hug. and if max hurts him, he just needs a quick love and is right back at max's side, copying everything big brother does.

and jake's first junior high picture. now, he really is getting old! jake is so sensitive to others. when he gets to come to our house the first thing he does is find his little brothers and give them a huge hug. he is also the one male in our house that NEVER fails to notice a change in my hair or new clothes or new picture on the wall. jake always notices and compliments.

these boys are fabulous and i am lucky enough to be a part of their lives.


Sid said...

they are dang cute!