Saturday, December 5, 2009

i'm a mini-celebrity - haha!

it's true. i was on tv. for a whole 3 minutes!! it really was fun - and not as scary as i thought it would be. go here if you want to watch. just click play on the little video screen. (rod works is first so don't give up - i'm second!)


linds said...

you were awesome! doug and i just watched it again. we are so proud of you.

Brandy said...

Um, ya, you are too cool for words. I am SOOOO impressed that you sounded so professional. I would have been a bumbling idiot. You looked beautiful, by the way. GREAT JOB! (I will frame your autographed Christmas card, if it ever comes!)

Nana Sue said...

Wahoo way to go Suni, proud of you and you did a TERRIFIC job!!! xoxo