Thursday, July 10, 2008

mom & max

i read about this mama/child interview on this blog and thought it was fun. so i decided to give it a whirl with the boy we named max. here goes:

suni: what does mom always say to you?
max: clean up toys (i better work on more i love you's...)

s: what makes mom happy?
m: saying please & thank you

s: what makes mom sad?
m: hitting

s: how does mom make you laugh?
m: silly faces

s: what was mom like when she was little?

s: how old is mom?
m: 26

s: how tall is mom?
m: 30 (doesn't really get measurements yet, i guess!)

s: what does mom like to do?
m: do computer

s: what is something mom doesn't like to do?
m: not talk to somebody if they're mean

s: what does mom do for a job?
m: cleaning up

s: what is mom's favorite food?
m: macaroni? (one of his, i'm sure)

s: what is mom's favorite color?
m: purple & brown (i think he loves purple and i do like brown!)

s: what do mom and max like to do together?
m: laugh

s: how do you know mom loves you?
m: because i love you so much! because you like me.

sweet boy of mine.


Nana Sue said...

Oh what a wonderful idea, and thanks for posting it, he's a pretty sensitive guy! Glad you love your mama Maxwell! Hugs to you all!

linds said...

cute idea suni, i can't wait for izz to say more words...i am curious to hear what she would have to say to these questions. max is awesome!

janetha. said...

this is hilarious!

lovejoy said...

Cute! Mind if I borrow the idea? I promise I won't look on your paper for the answers...

Brandy said...

Yup, this was way cute. However, I notice you didn't correct your sweet boy when he said you were 26 yrs. old...highly suspicious, Suni. Ü