Wednesday, December 5, 2007

from a can...

remind me to never again feed luke spaghetti and meatballs from a can, no matter how much he enjoys it.


Nana Sue said...

Oh my!! How long was his face orange??? This is a priceless moment!!
Hugs from Nana Sue!

ermakaluso said...

Wow- I know how you feel. He looks cute...and atleast it was only spaghetti and not something gross!

Corinne said...

That is AWESOME! I bet clean up was real fun :)

Aimee said...

Jeepers! what a mess! Won't be long until Nellie is at that stage. Your boys are growing up so fast! When I think of Max I still think of the little baby at Tyler and Ashley's wedding - guess it is due to the fact that I don't see your family much.