hard to believe my little baby is 6. we (he and i) had a rough start 6 years ago. we've both learned a lot these past 6 years and i love my max more than ever! he is so smart. and says the silliest things. always surprising me with what he knows. max is more of a high five kind of kid. hugs and kisses are rare, but i steal them when i can. he loves to learn...and picks up on everything. i have to be careful about that sometimes. he loves games. and winning. i'm sure he gets that from me. he is great with numbers...a famous benson trait! he gets to start 1st grade this year. all day school. i hope i don't cry. i'm sure luke and i will miss him. max loves star wars. and transformers. and legos. and xbox. he's definitely turning into a big kid. makes me wonder where the time has gone...and afraid that luke will be 6 too soon! max is amazing. i love him so so much. happy birthday, maxer!(oh, and he now has 2 loose teeth. he must be 6.)
2 years ago
happy b-day maxy!
Happy yappy birthday Max! What an awesome guy!! I love to play games with him, sometimes I even win (not very often!) xoxo.
I am so behind! Happy Birthday Max! You are getting so big- it was good to see you last week and meet your new dog...Axle? Oh, no, Pepper. I'll send your present home with your mom next month. We love you!!
I love his big grin. Such a cutie!! Happy birthday!
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