Monday, May 26, 2008

luke's discovery

luke is a genius. and such a great problem solver. here's the latest: if you have too many toys in your hands, a binky in your mouth and need an extra place to hold that extra binky, you know, just in case you need a backup...well, under the chin works just great. i've caught him on more than one occasion using this new found pocket. what a smartie.


linds said...

smartie pants...

ermakaluso said...

Isn't there an animal that does that? I don't know what animal it would be, but Luke would make a great one. Now we know what the chin is for!

Nana Sue said...

Luke, you are a genius!! I agree with Risa, now we know what our chins are for, go figure!!

janetha. said...

probably got the brains from you i say...